I realized I have pictures of every single hair style I've had since being here. So I figured I'd give you all the run down. :)
This is pretty much what my hair looked like when I first started school. So keep this is mind. |
The first installment! Pink extensions. The extensions teacher at our school put these in for anyone who wanted them. They were pretty much the cool thing to do then. I figured this was a good way to slowly get comfortable with having weird colors in my hair, since I thought that's what I wanted in my hair when I got to school. |
These two pictures are the dreaded day when I got my hair CHOPPED. As you can see. The bottom picture is how I first saw it, after it was all styled. There was no mirror in the room we were all in, So boy was I shocked when I first looked. He also told me that I will never wear my hair straight again. This hair cut was only meant for curly that night, guess what I did! I straightened it....hahahaha. Take that! |
 | comment....hahaha. What was I thinking?! Pretty sure this is my LEAST favorite hair color I've ever had. In my head, I expected this to turn out more blondes then dark. Now when I think of what we did, I realize how silly it was for me to think of that. We obviously put more browns in compared to blonde...I'm weird. And this is gross. |
So to get rid of that nasty blonde, I wanted to put a reddish/purple color in it. So I did! I LOVED this one. It turned out exactly how I wanted it to. This is definitely the "weirdest" thing I've done up to this point. But It was definitely so cool. It might just end up this way again sometime in the future. You never know. |
Surprise! I'm blonde!! My senior year of high school I was more blonde than this with really dark on the bottom. So I kinda wanted to try for that again. We used a color remover on my hair. I literally went from that dark brown with red to this in one day. Crazy! A couple weeks later we put in more blonde highlights. It loved it...for a little while. I realized I'm much more of a brunette. But it was fun for the summer. And lots of people liked it on me. So that's a good sign. :) |
Well, this is my hair currently. Well, almost. It's still short, but growing! and now a very pretty brown color. I love it. I did put some very dark purple panels in my bangs and towards the front, but its not too noticeable. I've pretty much come full circle, but I can't say that I'm done. I have 5 months of school left! |
It's kind of weird seeing every hair style all next to each other like this. I didn't really realize how much it changed! But it has been way too fun. I am at just about 1300 hours, 700 left to go! It's going so fast! and before I know it, I'll be done. Crazyyyy!
I hope you all enjoyed this! To all you people back in Washington, I miss you, but I'm glad I got to see you when I was home!