Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Things are about to change...

In a good way! I've gotten this weird idea in my head that I want to get in shape, eat healthier, and just all around feel better. Let's be honest, I went to college my freshman year and everything I had learned went out the window! So, now that I'm newly 20, I figured it'd be the perfect time to do this. I mean, I'm in Provo, for the purpose of finding a husband...right Mom? ;)

Anyways, recently I purchase a book called 500 Health and Fitness Tips. It's probably more geared for teens, but I figure I still somewhat fit into that category. Half of it is quick little workouts, and the other half is about eating the right stuff. So great. My plan is to start with little goals, and keep adding to them. I will keep an update on here with things that work, don't work, food that is yummy(and healthy), all of that kind of stuff. I figure this will be good to keep me accountable. So, here it goes!

Goal 1: No soda, instead, I'll drink water.
Goal 2: Take my lunch to school at least 3 days a week.

I'll start with those, and see where it takes me, I'll update every week, or more often if I feel like it!

Wish me luck! :)

1 comment:

  1. AHHH I love this! I did the same thing, little steps help a lot! and it helps that your in Provo, honestly its harder when you home, or in a place where fat people are everywhere aka Idaho, ha ha but really thats awesome! so there is this book called Eight Minutes in the Morning,by Jeorge Cruise, and it literally is the best health/fitness book I read. Its all about dedication and little changes. It gives you eight minute exercises in the morning to do. Its a great book to start with and grow with. Its how I started out. AH so happy for ya Jenn! Way to be! PS I miss you!
