Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh dear.

Over these past couple of days, I've had the same thought over and over. It's something that I've constantly thought about, but more and more recently its become more prominent.

Social networking, the internet, and technology are taking over our lives.

I've honestly tried to remember what it was like when people had to call the house phone and ask my mom if they could talk to me. Or when we actually printed out copies of pictures to show our friends instead of posting them on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, this is no way a rant about me being against it, because let's be real, I'm on the internet right now writing this. But, it's more so about the way we feel about it, and almost let it control/influence our lives.

Lately, I've noticed two things the most:
1. If it's not on Facebook, it's not official. (friendships, relationships, etc.)
2. Cell phones have become second nature. (at least to some/most people)

First off, this whole Facebook thing. There are two things I find funny about it. I'm sure we've all seen the comments that say, "We're Facebook friends, now our friendship is legit." I mean, really? Sure, I've done it a couple times, but I think we're getting to the point where people are serious about it. Especially with smart phones where you can go find someone and be their friend on Facebook the minute you meet them. Weird. So then the issue of relationships on Facebook got brought up. If someone was dating someone but on Facebook it still says they're single, is that being dishonest? I don't think it is. It's someone who doesn't want to put their life on blast to the world wide web. No thank you. Plus, that just causes DRAMA. No thank you, again. :)

The deal with these phones, I mean , really people? Does your phone have to be attached to you every second of your life? While going somewhere with a friend of mine a while back, we had already left the house, and she goes, "oh no! I left my phone. blah blah blah..." And I responded with, "I think you'll survive. It'll be good for you." Maybe a little rude, but true. Let's be real. WE CAN LIVE WITHOUT OUR CELL PHONES FOR A COUPLE HOURS. It's actually quite nice, you should try it. :)

Anyways, that's all for today. Just had to get that out there. Have a lovely day!

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